
Dear users,

We look forward to your participation in the discussions on our website and our social media pages. We take your comments seriously and do not want to remove any of them if possible. Please read our netiquette.

We want a fair, relevant, respectful and constructive discussion and evaluation. The following behaviors are not acceptable on our website and social media pages:

  • Hate speech, insults, humiliation and discrimination against individuals or groups of people, particularly on the basis of their religion, ethnicity, nationality, physical condition, gender identity, age or sex.
  • Threats and any incitement to violence against individuals or organizations and groups.
  • Statements that are likely to endanger the public, individuals or groups of people.
  • Poor use of the comment function for various advertisements.
  • Comments that are not relevant to the stated topic.
  • Links to other websites that are not related to the specified post.
  • Pornography and anything that could harm young people.
  • Infringement of third party rights.
  • Disclosure of personal information such as contact details, telephone numbers or addresses.
  • All users are responsible for their comments and Yekmal e.V. accepts no responsibility for them. Comments that violate these rules will be deleted and the user may be blocked.

Thank you for your understanding. We hope you enjoy our website and our social media pages.