Since the 1960s, Germany has been the new home of around 1.2 million Kurds. This number makes Kurds one of the largest migrant groups in this country. Nevertheless, their identity, language and culture are barely visible in public life. Furthermore, little is known about their socio-political, socio-economic and socio-linguistic needs. To counteract this situation, we are founding the Network for the Social Participation of Kurds in Germany. The network is coordinated by Yekmal e.V.
Goals of the network
Mission statement of the network
The network is committed to the maxim of being politically and denominationally independent. Furthermore, the network is based on democratic values. In this sense, members meet at eye level and strive to realize the network's goals together. All associations, institutions, initiatives and individuals who are committed to the network's mission statement and objectives can be part of the network and help shape it.
Members of the network:
Yekmal e. V.
Hînbûn e. V.
Jemal Nebez Stiftung
Plattform der Kurden aus zentral Anatolien in Deutschland e.V.
Verein Kurdischer LehrerInnen in Europa e.V.