Anti-discrimination counseling in Kurmancî and Soranî

The anti-discrimination counseling of Yekmal e.V. Berlin has the task of advocating for the social, legal and political equal treatment of all people living in Berlin, especially Kurdish-speaking people in Berlin.

Whether you are looking for work or training, at a state authority such as the job center, employment agency, citizens' office, when looking for accommodation, daycare or school or in your free time - we support you if you are discriminated against.

We provide anti-discrimination counseling in the Kurmancî and Soranî dialects for people: who face racist, sexist, discrimination due to their financial situation, their uncertain residence or their religion, such as Islam, Alevism or the Soranî language: Islam, Alevism or Yezidentism, gender or sexual orientation, a professional, sensitive and competent point of contact.

We offer you assistance in asserting and enforcing your rights!

We advise and support people seeking help in cases of discrimination, both psychosocially and on the basis of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) and the State Anti-Discrimination Act (LADG).

Contact details


Phone: 030 616 25 84

Office hours:

Location: Karl-Marx-Str. 172, 12043 Berlin

Near Karl-Marx-Str. underground station / S Neukölln

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